Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On the Road Again.... Again.

So here's the old road marker I picked up at the rummage sale a couple weeks ago for $.50.

When I got it, I had no idea what I would do with it. But I had to have it. I had to. I am really trying to expand my grasp on different types of design, and the road flare I just redid gave me the idea to make a little.... thing.
Ok, so bear with me. Use your imagination, and picture a great console table painted gray, with a double yellow line down the middle. And imagine it topped with these beauties:

And then of course, there should be some great road signs hanging on the wall over it to complete the theme. If I had the table and the signs, I'd post a really great picture, but I don't. But here are some inspirations that might give you an idea of what's in my head:
This would be what the table top would look like, roughly.

And this would be the wall behind.
So I hope you were able to get what's rolling around in my head. I think it would be awesome in an office, or even in a creative entryway... maybe for a family that does a lot of travelling. I don't know. But you get the idea.
Between the flare and the marker, that's a $3.00 tabletop decoration. Doesn't get much better than that, am I right?

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