Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mod Podge - AKA My new Best Friend

This year for Christmas, my mom asked everyone in our enormous family if we would be willing to make homemade gifts or buy thrift store gifts for eachother since most of us are going through hard times financially lately. This required something I hope I'm pretty good at - creativity. Things came pretty easily. Thankfully many of my family members are avid readers, and books are plentiful at secondhand stores.
My youngest brother, Neville, however, isn't much of a reader except when it comes to comic books. I don't really read them so I didn't know which ones he already had. But while I was at Salvation army, I came across this nightstand for $8:

After cleaning it (with help from my daughter Ava), I cut several copies of the same comic book apart into individual pages.
Then, using mod podge, I pasted the pages to the nightstand, layer by layer.

I did learn through experience that a sponge brush works better than a sponge, and disposable latex gloves save your hands a lot of trouble. But you live and learn!
At the end, it looked like this:

the pictures really don't do it justice, in my opinion.
I loved this project!