He's an antique road flare. I knew when I saw him that he
was absolutely perfect and he had to come home.
P.S. I felt like I had to give him a trucker's name, like
Big Joe or Bubba or something. SO yea, I went with Bubba.
Lastly, I painted it. It would be fun to paint it a really unexpected color like a deep purple or hot pink or neon green, but for the theme I'm working on right now with some of the stuff I'm doing, I just repainted the original red.
Wouldn't this be amazing as a vase? I just love mixing the industrial, rough-and-tough elements with something as soft as a bunch of lilacs or daisies.
Another great idea would be to convert it into a lamp, using a very inexpensive and easy-to-find lamp kit from a hardware store.
Personally, this one I like just as is for now. I really am digging this whole industrial thing lately, and I love it. But I think I'm going to buy more and experiment.
If this is a project you're interested in trying, these are incredibly easy to find online on sites like ebay, where you can get a whole box of them for around $10-$20. Imagine the profit if you fixed up a whole box of these and sold them!
So that was today's project. It was super easy, a lot of fun, and most importantly, incredibly inexpensive.
Happy thrifting!